Play-asia Top pre-orders

Monday, 27 January 2014

New phone

Been a few months since I wrote a post. Very busy with my kid. As my kid loves to play with my phone apps, my current phone Lumia920 has been dropped quite a number of times with slight dents and scratches everywhere.

So it is time for a new phone and trade in my old phone. I like the pictures coming from my Lumia 920, and I am starting to get used to Windows phone. And there is only choice as I also prefer a phone that can take good pics from a mobile device. That will be Lumia 1020, not really new by now but the camera abilities is widely recognized as the best camera phone for now.

With CNY around the corner, telco offers a pretty good bundle of small gifts. It comes with accessories pack like mobile cover, camera grip, tripod, yellow wireless charging cover, some CNY hongbao and a fortune. Guess I will be taking more often with my camera phone when I am not using my E-M5.

Below is the unboxing video:


 Picture of the whole package